Alliance Theatre Institute
The Alliance Theatre Institute partners with districts and schools to elevate teacher practice and impact student academic and social-emotional growth through arts integration, STEAM, and theater. Designed to support school curriculum and individual classroom goals across all grade levels and content areas, Institute programs include residencies, workshops, and professional learning events.
Learning Recovery
As schools work to address learning recovery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Institute is ready to help. Arts integration has been proven time and time again to accelerate and enhance learning. Local education agencies (LEAs) that receive U.S. Department of Education funding through the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund can partner with the Alliance Theatre Institute to respond to students’ learning recovery needs.
Field Trips
Alliance Theatre for Youth and Families produces developmentally appropriate shows each season. These productions adhere to the same mission statement as the Alliance Theatre adult programming, which is to set the highest artistic standards and create the powerful experience of shared theatre for a diverse audience.
Tickets for Teachers
Tickets for Teachers is a unique program that provides educators with free tickets for select early performances of Alliance Theatre productions.
After School
The Tony Award-winning Alliance Theatre offers after school programs. Students will work with a trained teaching artist to learn the tools of the actor and to build character, confidence, and creativity both on stage and beyond. All sessions will end with a final sharing for friends and family.
Virtual Resources
The Alliance Theatre Institute has developed free grade-level resources to use in virtual school settings or at home.