The Tony Award-winning Alliance Theatre offers after school programs. Students will work with a trained teaching artist to learn the tools of the actor and to build character, confidence, and creativity both on stage and beyond. All sessions will end with a final sharing for friends and family.
Intro to Acting
Explore the wonder of theater and learn to express your creative side! Students will learn vocal and movement techniques while enhancing concentration and sensory awareness through drama games.
On-Camera Acting
Take your first step toward the silver screen! Students will sharpen their skills take after take while performing on-camera acting exercises and learning about close-ups, continuity, and auditioning.
*School must provide smart board or TV in classroom; max 10 students; not available for Ages 3–5
Unlock your comedic potential! Students will create spontaneous scenes, develop unique characters, and discover the freedom of acting without a net through improvisational games and skill building.
* Not available for Ages 3–5 and Grades K–2
Musical Theater
Dance, sing, and act your way to becoming a triple threat! Students will learn proper singing techniques and basic choreography while using creative drama techniques to create and explore musical theater.
Program Details
- Age Groups: Ages 3–5 and Grades K–2, 3–5, 6–8, and 9–12
- Session Length: 12 classes
- Class Length: 1 hour
- Capacity: 8-10 students for Ages 3–5; 8-16 students for Grades K–12
For more information, contact Robyn A. Rogers at