Middle School and High School Collision Plus

Adapted from the Alliance Theatre’s nationally recognized Palefsky Collision Project, this residency guides students through the process of "colliding" with an anchor text (either a piece from the school curriculum or a script from the Alliance Theatre production season). Students engage in creative writing exercises, drama strategies, and relevant research to develop a new piece of theater thematically connected to the original anchor text. This program offers students the opportunity to make personal and real-world connections to classic and emergent literature and empowers each student to have a prominent voice as part of an ensemble cast.


Grades 6-12

Program Components

  • 10 Classroom Sessions 
  • 3 Planning Meetings 
  • 1 Orientation 

For More Information

Liz Davis, liz.davis@alliancetheatre.org, 404-733-5256

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