Film II: Process

Film II: Process


  • Sharpen your on-camera acting skills
  • Develop your film acting technique
  • Create and build relationships
  • Motivate your scenes through positive expectations
  • Perform scenes on camera

Prerequisite: Film I
Tuition: $300
Class duration: 4 sessions,3 hours 
Maximum of 10 students

Meet the Teacher

Stephen Ruffin headshot

Stephen Ruffin

Stephen Ruffin is blessed to be returning to the Alliance stage. Honored to dive in with this ensemble and creative team. Love to my honeybee and ladybug. Recent credits: Tiny Beautiful Things at Theatrical Outfit, Too Heavy For Your Pocket at Alliance, Pipeline at Horizon, Romeo and Lysander at Atlanta Shakes. On screen credits on IMDb.

Alliance Theatre

The Alliance Theatre is the lead producing theatre in the Southeast, creating the powerful experience of shared theatre for diverse people on two stages. We value excellence, pursued with integrity and creativity, and achieved through collaboration. We deliver powerful programming that challenges adult and youth audiences to think critically and care deeply.
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