Indigenous Lands Acknowledgement

Indigenous Lands Acknowledgement 

In the sincerest efforts to gain further understanding of the history that has brought us to reside on this land and to accept the knowledge that colonialism is a current and ongoing process, under which we need to build our mindfulness of our present participation, we hereby acknowledge this native land of the Muscogee Creek Nation.

To acknowledge this nation, who were forcefully removed from this land under the Indian Removal Act of 1830, is to understand who we are in the context of our past, present and future. We carry the knowledge of this ancestry with us through this process and in all we do.
This land acknowledgment is merely a first step.

To further support Indigenous communities please consider the following: 
  • Support Indigenous organizations by donating your time and/or money
  • Support Indigenous-led grassroots change movements and campaigns
  • Learn more here


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