All Atlanta area artists are invited to present a project application to the Reiser Atlanta Artists Lab. In the Lab three projects will be given $10,000 towards development support culminating in a public presentation of the artists and their work. The Reiser Lab seeks to foster the growth of generative artists of all varieties through work on collaborative projects. To that end, the Alliance Theatre provides an artistic home, space to work, artistic counsel, financial resources, and a final presentation opportunity.
The Lab is available for generative artists of any practice – actor, director, designer, writer, composer, choreographer, or musician (as examples) – to develop a collaboration. It is the goal of the Reiser Atlanta Artists Lab to celebrate the breadth and vision of Atlanta-based artists, to encourage collaboration among Atlanta’s artistic community, and to seed projects that will promote artistic growth and create projects ready to be produced here in Atlanta.
Please note that the Reiser Atlanta Artists Lab is devoted to taking projects and artists to the next level of development, and not a showcase for completed work.
The projects will be judged by a panel of judges comprised of an Alliance Theatre Artistic Director; an Atlanta area Artistic leader; an artist or Artistic Director NOT currently Atlanta based; an alum Lab participant; and a member of the philanthropic community.
Applications for Round 11 of the REISER ATLANTA ARTISTS LAB are now open!
Round 11 Application Timeline:
Applications Open: November 1, 2024
Information Session: December 9, 2024 at 6:00pm RSVP
Application Deadline: February 13, 2025, at midnight
Optional Video Pitch Submission: February 13, 2025, at midnight
In-Person Pitch Party: March 10, 2025, 6:00 – 9:00pm (All teams are required to attend, even if submitting a video pitch.)
Grant Period Begins: June 1, 2025
Final Public Presentation: May 2026
Grant Period Ends: May 31, 2026
Want to learn more about applying to the Reiser Lab?
Watch the virtual information session below.
Guidelines and FAQs
How will our application be evaluated?
Each application will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- How can the ideas and goals of this project be achieved?
- Do the artists involved make sense as a team?
- What is the quality of the work sample?
- What is the strength of the application?
- Is the described product producible?
What is the Pitch Party?
The Pitch Party is a reception for all Reiser Lab applicants, during which each team will pitch their idea to the room.
We want to make the process of applying for this program useful and clear to all applicants. Having a 90-second elevator pitch is part of the arsenal of the working artist. We'd like to give folks this opportunity to work on theirs.
Additionally, we recognize that some people express themselves better on paper and some in person. We'd like to give everyone the chance to work in the medium of your choice so that our judges have a more complete version of your project and group.
Finally, we want to offer our Atlanta artists an opportunity to get to know one another, network, and get excited about each other's projects and goals!
What formats are accepted for our pitch?
For the Round 11 Submission process, we are offering two ways to complete your pitch: in-person or virtual. NOTE: YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE ONE PITCH. HOWEVER, we require that at least one member of your team attend the Pitch Party to introduce your video.
We advise teams to keep the pitch as low-tech as possible. Your passion for your project is more important than anything else.
Directions for the in-person pitch:
Prepare the 90-second elevator pitch with your team telling us about your project - synopsis, play some songs (if your project has music), and give us a sense of you and what you'd want to achieve during your Lab.
Directions for the virtual pitch:
1. Prepare a 70-second pitch video with your team telling us about your project - synopsis, play some songs (if your project has music), give us a sense of you and what you'd want to achieve during your Lab. When you present your video at the pitch party, you will have 20 seconds to introduce your team. This will add up to 90-seconds total for your introductions and video.
2. Upload your pitch video to the online submission form by February 13, 2024, at 11:59pm.
3. At least one member of your team attends the pitch party attends the In-Person event to introduce the video. Each person who attends from your team should give their name and role. Please note that this introduction is counted towards the 90-second total.
If you have any additional questions about how to submit the pitch videos, contact
If my team submits a virtual pitch, are we still required to attend the Pitch Party?
Yes, your team must attend to introduce your pitch.
Who can apply?
Each project must include participation by three Atlanta-based artists. One of those artists must be designated the Lead Artist. Artists can serve on projects in a variety of capacities including actors, playwrights, designers, directors, dramaturgs, producers, composers, musicians or stage managers.
Artists working outside the categories listed are encouraged to apply. Multidisciplinary artists are encouraged to apply although we ask that the tie to theatre be explained in the project description application.
Lead Artists must be willing to function as the primary contact for the project and will be regarded as the leader of the team.
Full time employees of the Alliance Theatre, the Woodruff Arts Center and its divisions are ineligible to be Lead Artists for the Reiser Atlanta Artists Lab
Participants in previous Reiser Atlanta Artists Lab are allowed to resubmit one full calendar year after their final presentation. Participation is defined by having been listed as one of the three artists on a selected application.
Please note that applicants who applied in earlier rounds are strongly encouraged to apply again. Each year’s panel has 4 out of 5 new members and that panels interpret the judging criteria with some flexibility year over year.
Do you match artists together to form a team?
No, we do not. Teams assemble and then apply as a group.
Are there any requirements for who should be on my team?
All artists must be eligible to apply, per the requirements above.
The Lead Artist must be Atlanta based, and we would prefer projects with a majority of Atlanta based artists.
Lead Artists must be willing to function as team leader – you will be the prime point person for your team.
It’s worth considering the demographics of your team (gender, race, class, cultural background, etc) in relationship to your proposed project. Do you have the necessary voices in the room to tackle your ideas?
How do you define “Atlanta-based”?
This represents a change from past years. We want to be sure we include all artists who live and work within the greater Atlanta Area, and so have removed a specific mileage limitation. But the artists must reside primarily in this area and not split their time between here and another region.
What kinds of work are eligible to apply?
Your project should be a theatrical work - something that can be performed in front of a live audience and that tells a story. Some examples: plays, performance art, dance theatre, opera, song cycle, etc.
Projects may be previously produced or classic work, although the unique view/approach for any project should be articulated.
Projects do not have to be text based, and if text- based, the text does not need to be finished at time of application.
Projects should be works-in-process, rather than finished work preparing for production. The focus of the Reiser Lab is developing incomplete work.
Projects may be new works created by writers, musicians, ensembles, directors, or other means of devising work.
Musical projects are encouraged to apply!
Please consider, and articulate, how your project can benefit from time in the Lab. What goals do you have for your time? Why is now the right time in the life of this project for the Lab?
Please note: The Reiser Atlanta Artists Lab is committed to artist and work development and is not designed as a performance showcase.
The application asks for a work sample. What do you need?
In addition to the project description, every project should include one work sample. A work sample could be a script but could also be examples of pictures or video clips.
If a script, please pick a no more than 10-page work sample that gives a sense of artistry and vision of the piece to be read by the judges. (Please upload a copy of script in process if it exists. This will be available to judges upon request after evaluation of the ten-page sample.)
If your sample is not written, please make sure it lasts no longer than 5 minutes.
Critical writing about work or reviews especially for directors, designers and actors could be included as a work sample. Artists other than playwrights are encouraged to submit whatever samples will best introduce their work to the panel and creativity is encouraged.
Please note only one work sample per project is necessary. Please send what best represents this project.
The application asks for a budget. What does that need to cover?
The Alliance will pay for one day of actor fees as well as completely covering stage management for both a non-public reading for Artistic Staff and a public presentation.
The Alliance will provide free space as available for workshop and development work of all three projects. Projects may use other rehearsal space as desired and/or needed.
The Alliance Theatre will provide dramaturgical and casting support for each project.
Project budgets should be used to develop projects and artists as artists’ see fit. For example, the budget may be used to help one artist develop the work; or project budgets may fund more deeply produced workshops with all three artists working together the whole time.
Payment to artists on the team (including the Lead Artist) can be a part of your budget.
Travel for research or mentorship may be included in the overall project budget, but a travel component is not necessary.
The submitted budget is a starting place for project growth and projects may evolve or change their project budgets during the development phase. The $10,000 award does not need to cover the total costs of a project if other funds are available.
High production values are not a criteria considered by the judges.
Does my project have to be about Atlanta?
Projects about Atlanta will not be prioritized over other projects.
What should I expect during my Lab?
The Lab is a twelve-month period beginning with the Orientation and ending with the final presentation. During that time, you will have two opportunities to show your work – one private reading for Alliance Artistic staff and one public presentation.
Expect to complete a draft of your work (whatever that means for your medium) before your final presentation. It doesn’t not need to be a final draft, but you do need to get from the beginning to the end.
Your final presentation does not need to be your final draft but should be more than your first draft. Your final presentation also does not need to be your full work – share whatever portion will help you learn the most.
You will get notes and feedback from Alliance Artistic staff on your reading, and one feedback session after your final presentation.
You will also have periodic check in sessions with your Artistic Mentor for additional feedback and to help you problem solve and access other resources of the theatre.
What resources does the Alliance provide?
In addition to the $10,000 award, we provide rehearsal, performance and access to some work or meeting spaces. We provide dramaturgical feedback, casting support, producing support and limited technical and marketing support. We pay actors and stage managers for one internal reading and one final presentation.
As part of the Lab, each team will be invited to attend various Alliance creative and administrative meetings and events – including First Preview performances. Reiser Lab members may also access Alliance Theatre comp tickets.
I’ve applied before, can I apply again?
Yes! Four out of five of the judges change each year.
Participants in previous Reiser Atlanta Artists Lab can resubmit one full calendar year after their final presentation. Participation is defined by having been listed as one of the three artists on a selected application. Please think about, and articulate, any growth or changes in your work since its last submission.
I still have more questions.
Please send direct questions via email to