Alliance@work - Four Key Take-aways


  1. It is results oriented.
    Alliance@work helps professionals and organizations get results by enhancing people's communication, presentation and storytelling skills. After working with Alliance@work, people are better able to articulate their organization's mission, promote their expertise, and leverage their organization's story to capitalize on opportunities and increase client confidence.

  2. It is customized for each client.
    Alliance@work offers two-hour to multiple day experiences. These workshop and coaching sessions can be customized to meet the organization's goals, objectives and budget.

  3. It is facilitated by professional actors and directors.
    Alliance@work participants work with the professional actors, directors and playwrights of the Alliance Theatre.

  4. It has an established local and national client base.
    Alliance@work has been proven to help companies present their message authentically and powerfully. Over the past four years, Alliance@work clients have included:

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